
ResourceS is a standalone subsystem part of the CGRateS infrastructure, designed to allocate virtual resources for the generic Events (hashmaps) it receives.

Both receiving of Events as well as operational commands on the virtual resources is performed via a complete set of CGRateS RPC APIs.

Due it’s real-time nature, ResourceS are designed towards high throughput being able to process thousands of Events per second. This is doable since each Resource is a very light object, held in memory and eventually backed up in DataDB.



ResourceS is the CGRateS component responsible of handling the Resources.

It is configured within resources section from JSON configuration via the following parameters:


Will enable starting of the service. Possible values: <true|false>.


Time interval for backing up the stats into DataDB.


Connections IDs towards ThresholdS component. If not defined, there will be no notifications sent to ThresholdS on Resource changes.


Enable profile matching exclusively on indexes. If not enabled, the ResourceProfiles are checked one by one which for a larger number can slow down the processing time. Possible values: <true|false>.


Query string indexes based only on these fields for faster processing. If commented out, each field from the event will be checked against indexes. If uncommented and defined as empty list, no fields will be checked.


Query prefix indexes based only on these fields for faster processing. If defined as empty list, no fields will be checked.


Applied when all event fields are checked against indexes, and decides whether subfields are also checked.


The ResourceProfile is the configuration of a Resource. This will be performed over CGRateS RPC APIs or .csv files. A profile is comprised out of the following parameters:


The tenant on the platform (one can see the tenant as partition ID).


Identifier for the ResourceProfile, unique within a Tenant.


List of FilterProfiles which should match in order to consider the ResourceProfile matching the event.


The time interval when this profile becomes active. If undefined, the profile is always active. Other options are start time, end time or both.


Autoexpire resource allocation after this time duration.


The number of allocations this resource is entitled to.


The message returned when this resource is responsible for allocation.


When specified, no futher resources are processed after this one.


Enable offline backups for this resource


Order the Resources matching the event. Higher value - higher priority.


List of ThresholdProfiles targetted by the Resource. If empty, the match will be done in ThresholdS component.


A ResourceUsage represents a counted allocation within a Resource. The following parameters are present within:


The tenant on the platform (one can see the tenant as partition ID).


Identifier for the ResourceUsage.


Exact time when this allocation expires.


Number of units allocated by this ResourceUsage.

Processing logic

When a new Event is received, ResourceS will pass it to FilterS in order to find all Resource objects matching the Event.

As a result of the selection process we will further get an ordered list of Resource which are matching the Event and are active at the request time.

Depending of the RPC API used, we will have the following behavior further:


Will simply return the list of Resources matching so far.


Out of Resources matching, ordered based on Weight, it will use the first one with available units to authorize the request. Returns RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE error back in case of no available units found. No actual allocation is performed.


All of the Resources matching the event will be operated and requested units will be deducted, independent of being available or going on negative. The first one with value higher or equal to zero will be responsible of allocation and it’s message will be returned as allocation message. If no allocation message is defined for the allocated resource, it’s ID will be returned instead.

If no resources are allocated RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE will be returned as error.


Will release all the previously allocated resources for an UsageID. If UsageID is not found (which can be the case of restart), will perform a standard search via FilterS and try to dealocate the resources matching there.

Depending on configuration each Resource can be backed up regularly and asynchronously to DataDB so it can survive process restarts.

After each resource modification (allocation or release) the ThresholdS will be notified with the Resource itself where mechanisms like notifications or fraud-detection can be triggered.

Use cases

  • Monitor resources for a group of accounts(ie. based on a special field in the events).

  • Limit the number of CPS for a destination/supplier/account (done via UsageTTL of 1s).

  • Limit resources for a destination/supplier/account/time of day/etc.