
EventExporterService/EEs is a subsystem designed to convert internal, already processed events into external ones and then export them to a defined destination. It is accessible via CGRateS RPC APIs.


EEs is configured within ees section from JSON configuration.

Config params

Most of the parameters are explained in JSON configuration, hence we mention here only the ones where additional info is necessary or there will be particular implementation for EventExporterService.

One exporters instance includes the following parameters:


Exporter identificator, used mostly for debug. The id should be unique per each exporter since it can influence updating configuration from different .json configuration.


Specify the type of export which will run. Possible values are:


Exports into a comma separated file format.


Exports into a fixed width file format.


Will post the CDR to a HTTP server. The export content will be a HTTP form encoded representation of the internal CDR object.


Will post the CDR to a HTTP server. The export content will be a JSON serialized hmap with fields defined within the fields section of the template.


Will post the CDR to an AMQP queue. The export content will be a JSON serialized hmap with fields defined within the fields section of the template. Uses AMQP protocol version 1.0.


Will post the CDR to an AMQP queue. The export content will be a JSON serialized hmap with fields defined within the fields section of the template. Uses AMQP protocol version 1.0.


Will post the CDR to an Amazon SQS queue. The export content will be a JSON serialized hmap with fields defined within the fields section of the template.


Will post the CDR to Amazon S3 storage. The export content will be a JSON serialized hmap with fields defined within the fields section of the template.


Will post the CDR to an Apache Kafka. The export content will be a JSON serialized hmap with fields defined within the fields section of the template.

*nats_json_map Exporter for publishing messages to NATS (Message Queue) in JSON format.


In-memory exporter.


Exporter for Elasticsearch.


Exporter for generic content to SQL databases. Supported databases are: MySQL_, PostgreSQL_ and MSSQL_.


Exporter for calling APIs through node connections.


Specify the export path. It has special format depending of the export type.

*file_csv, *file_fwv

Standard unix-like filesystem path.

*http_post, *http_json_map


*amqp_json_map, *amqpv1_json_map

AMQP URL with extra parameters.

Sample: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/?queue_id=cgrates_cdrs&exchange=exchangename&exchange_type=fanout&routing_key=cgr_cdrs


SQS URL with extra parameters.



S3 URL with extra parameters.



Kafka URL with extra parameters.

Sample: localhost:9092?topic=cgrates_cdrs


SQL URL with extra parameters.

Sample: mysql://



Sample: nats://localhost:4222


Elasticsearch URL

Sample: http://localhost:9200


List of filters to pass for the export profile to execute. For the dynamic content (prefixed with ~) following special variables are available:


The CDR event itself.


The EventCost object with subpaths for all of it’s nested objects.


Tenant owning the template. It will be used mostly to match inside FilterS.


Block further exports until this one finishes. In case of false the control will be given to the next export template as soon as this one was started.


Number of attempts before giving up on the export and writing the failed request to file. The failed request will be written to failed_posts_dir.


List of fields for the exported event.

One field template will contain the following parameters:


Path for the exported content. Possible prefixes here are:


Reference to the exported record.


Reference to the header content. Available in case of *file_csv and *file_fwv export types.


Reference to the trailer content. Available in case of *file_csv and *file_fwv export types.


The field type will give out the logic for generating the value. Values used depend on the type of prefix used in path.

For *exp, following field types are implemented:


Writes out the variable value, overwriting previous one set.


Writes out the variable value, postpending to previous value set


Fills the values with a fixed lentgh string.


Writes out a constant


Parses the value as datetime and reformats based on the layout attribute.


Writes out a combined mediation considering events with the same CGRID.


Masks the destination using * as suffix. Matches the destination field against the list defined via mask_destinationd_id field.


Uses a HTTP server as datasource for the value exported.

For *hdr and *trl, following field types are possible:


Fills the values with a string.


Writes out a constant


Will obtain the content via a handler. This works in tandem with the attribute handler_id.


The exported value. Works in tandem with type attribute. Possible prefixes for dynamic values:


Data is taken from the current request coming from the CDRs component.


Makes sure that the field cannot have empty value (errors otherwise).


Used for debug purposes in logs.


Used to control the formatting, enforcing the final value to a specific number of characters.


Used when the value is higher than width allows it, specifying the strip strategy. Possible values are:


Strip the suffix.


Strip the suffix, postpending one x character to mark the stripping.


Strip the prefix.


Strip the prefix, prepending one x character to mark the stripping.


Used to control the formatting. Applied when the data is smaller than the width. Possible values are:


Suffix with spaces.


Prefix with spaces.


Prefix with 0 chars.


The destinations profile where we match the masked_destinations.


The identifier of the handler to be executed in case of *handler type.