
Command line migration tool.

Customisable through the use of JSON configuration or command line arguments (higher prio).

$ cgr-migrator -h
Usage of cgr-migrator:
 -config_path string
       Configuration directory path.
 -datadb_host string
       the DataDB host (default "")
 -datadb_name string
       the name/number of the DataDB (default "10")
 -datadb_passwd string
       the DataDB password
 -datadb_port string
       the DataDB port (default "6379")
 -datadb_type string
       the type of the DataDB Database <*redis|*mongo> (default "*redis")
 -datadb_user string
       the DataDB user (default "cgrates")
 -dbdata_encoding string
       the encoding used to store object Data in strings (default "msgpack")
       parse loaded data for consistency and errors, without storing it
 -exec string
       fire up automatic migration <*set_versions|*cost_details|*accounts|*actions|*action_triggers|*action_plans|*shared_groups|*filters|*stordb|*datadb>
 -mongoConnScheme string
       Scheme for MongoDB connection <mongodb|mongodb+srv> (default "mongodb")
 -mongoQueryTimeout duration
       The timeout for queries (default 10s)
 -out_datadb_encoding string
       the encoding used to store object Data in strings in move mode (default "*datadb")
 -out_datadb_host string
       output DataDB host to connect to (default "*datadb")
 -out_datadb_name string
       output DataDB name/number (default "*datadb")
 -out_datadb_password string
       output DataDB password (default "*datadb")
 -out_datadb_port string
       output DataDB port (default "*datadb")
 -out_datadb_type string
       output DataDB type <*redis|*mongo> (default "*datadb")
 -out_datadb_user string
       output DataDB user (default "*datadb")
 -out_redis_sentinel string
       the name of redis sentinel (default "*datadb")
 -out_stordb_host string
       output StorDB host (default "*stordb")
 -out_stordb_name string
       output StorDB name/number (default "*stordb")
 -out_stordb_password string
       output StorDB password (default "*stordb")
 -out_stordb_port string
       output StorDB port (default "*stordb")
 -out_stordb_type string
       output StorDB type for move mode <*mysql|*postgres|*mongo> (default "*stordb")
 -out_stordb_user string
       output StorDB user (default "*stordb")
 -redisCACertificate string
       Path to the CA certificate
 -redisClientCertificate string
       Path to the client certificate
 -redisClientKey string
       Path to the client key
       Is the redis datadb a cluster
 -redisClusterOndownDelay duration
       The delay before executing the commands if the redis cluster is in the CLUSTERDOWN state
 -redisClusterSync duration
       The sync interval for the redis cluster (default 5s)
 -redisConnectAttempts int
       The maximum amount of dial attempts (default 20)
 -redisConnectTimeout duration
       The amount of wait time until timeout for a connection attempt
 -redisMaxConns int
       The connection pool size (default 10)
 -redisReadTimeout duration
       The amount of wait time until timeout for reading operations
 -redisSentinel string
       the name of redis sentinel
       Enable TLS when connecting to Redis
 -redisWriteTimeout duration
       The amount of wait time until timeout for writing operations
 -stordb_host string
       the StorDB host (default "")
 -stordb_name string
       the name/number of the StorDB (default "cgrates")
 -stordb_passwd string
       the StorDB password (default "")
 -stordb_port string
       the StorDB port (default "3306")
 -stordb_type string
       the type of the StorDB Database <*mysql|*postgres|*mongo> (default "*mysql")
 -stordb_user string
       the StorDB user (default "cgrates")
       enable detailed verbose logging output
       prints the application version