
Tool used to load/import TariffPlan data into CGRateS databases.

Can be used to:
  • load TariffPlan data from csv files to DataDB.

  • import TariffPlan data from csv files to StorDB as offline data. -to_stordb -tpid

  • import TariffPlan data from StorDB to DataDB. -from_stordb -tpid

Customisable through the use of JSON configuration or command line arguments (higher prio).

$ cgr-loader -h
Usage of cgr-loader:
 -api_key string
       Api Key used to comosed ArgDispatcher
 -caches_address string
       CacheS component to contact for cache reloads, empty to disable automatic cache reloads (default "*localhost")
 -caching string
       Caching strategy used when loading TP
 -caching_delay duration
       Adds delay before cache reload
 -config_path string
       Configuration directory path.
 -datadb_host string
       The DataDb host to connect to. (default "")
 -datadb_name string
       The name/number of the DataDb to connect to. (default "10")
 -datadb_passwd string
       The DataDb user's password.
 -datadb_port string
       The DataDb port to bind to. (default "6379")
 -datadb_type string
       The type of the DataDB database <*redis|*mongo> (default "*redis")
 -datadb_user string
       The DataDb user to sign in as. (default "cgrates")
 -dbdata_encoding string
       The encoding used to store object data in strings (default "msgpack")
       Will disable reverse mappings rebuilding
       When true will not save loaded data to dataDb but just parse it for consistency and errors.
 -field_sep string
       Separator for csv file (by default "," is used) (default ",")
       Remove tariff plan data for id from the database
       Load the tariff plan from storDb to dataDb
 -import_id string
       Uniquely identify an import/load, postpended to some automatic fields
 -mongoConnScheme string
       Scheme for MongoDB connection <mongodb|mongodb+srv> (default "mongodb")
 -mongoQueryTimeout duration
       The timeout for queries (default 10s)
 -path string
       The path to folder containing the data files (default "./")
 -redisCACertificate string
       Path to the CA certificate
 -redisClientCertificate string
       Path to the client certificate
 -redisClientKey string
       Path to the client key
       Is the redis datadb a cluster
 -redisClusterOndownDelay duration
       The delay before executing the commands if the redis cluster is in the CLUSTERDOWN state
 -redisClusterSync duration
       The sync interval for the redis cluster (default 5s)
 -redisConnectAttempts int
       The maximum amount of dial attempts (default 20)
 -redisConnectTimeout duration
       The amount of wait time until timeout for a connection attempt
 -redisMaxConns int
       The connection pool size (default 10)
 -redisReadTimeout duration
       The amount of wait time until timeout for reading operations
 -redisSentinel string
       The name of redis sentinel
       Enable TLS when connecting to Redis
 -redisWriteTimeout duration
       The amount of wait time until timeout for writing operations
       Will remove instead of adding data from DB
 -route_id string
       RouteID used to comosed ArgDispatcher
 -rpc_encoding string
       RPC encoding used <*gob|*json> (default "*json")
 -scheduler_address string
        (default "*localhost")
 -stordb_host string
       The storDb host to connect to. (default "")
 -stordb_name string
       The name/number of the storDb to connect to. (default "cgrates")
 -stordb_passwd string
       The storDb user's password. (default "")
 -stordb_port string
       The storDb port to bind to. (default "3306")
 -stordb_type string
       The type of the storDb database <*mysql|*postgres|*mongo> (default "*mysql")
 -stordb_user string
       The storDb user to sign in as. (default "cgrates")
 -tenant string
        (default "")
 -timezone string
       Timezone for timestamps where not specified <""|UTC|Local|$IANA_TZ_DB> (default "Local")
       Import the tariff plan from files to storDb
 -tpid string
       The tariff plan ID from the database
       Enable detailed verbose logging output
       Prints the application version.