
Command line tool used to interface via the APIs implemented within :ref:cgr-engine.

Configurable via command line arguments.

$ cgr-console -help
Usage of cgr-console:
 -ca_path string
       path to CA for tls connection(only for self sign certificate)
 -connect_attempts int
       Connect attempts (default 3)
 -connect_timeout int
       Connect timeout in seconds  (default 1)
 -crt_path string
       path to certificate for tls connection
 -key_path string
       path to key for tls connection
 -max_reconnect_interval int
       Maximum reconnect interval
 -reconnects int
       Reconnect attempts (default 3)
 -reply_timeout int
       Reply timeout in seconds  (default 300)
 -rpc_encoding string
       RPC encoding used <*gob|*json> (default "*json")
 -server string
       server address host:port (default "")
       TLS connection
       Show extra info about command execution.
       Prints the application version.


# cgr-console status